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    Bialetti Coffee Press x Dolce&Gabbana | Sicilian Cart



    Two Italian icons collaborating to celebrate the ritual of coffee.

    This is how the Bialetti Dolce&Gabbana product line was born: a design rich in colors, decorations and symbols that express the beauty and tradition of Italian craftsmanship

    Perfect for preparing a filtered coffee that is rich in aroma, but also for preparing infusions and herbal teas.

    Say no more…


    The French Coffee Press, which has always been an undisputed classic of French style, pays homage to the art, colors and landscapes of Sicily, thanks to the decorative motif of the Sicilian Cart.

    Elegant design: modern contours, an exclusive handle that recalls the shape of the Bialetti Moka Express, and the iconic Dolce&Gabbana motifs on the stainless steel support all enhance the design of the Bialetti Coffee Press.

    How to prepare coffee  | Read the instructions carefully and follow these steps:

    Preparation is convenient and simple, you can have your coffee filter in about 4 minutes!
    1. Place the ground coffee in the coffee maker
    2. Pour in hot (not boiling) water; fill until approximately 2.5 cm of space remains to the top edge, and mix with a spoon
    3. Place the plunger unit on top of the pot and leave to infuse for 4 minutes
    4. Hold the handle of the coffee pot firmly, and apply light pressure to the knob to lower the plunger vertically inside the pot
    5. Turn the lid so that the slots are facing the side of the spout and pour out the coffee.

    Cleaning instructions  |  Convenient and practical, the body in borosilicate glass can be removed from the steel support and is easily washable, also in the dishwasher.

    Additional information


    350ml, 1Lt


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